CRMT welcomes the Bus, Coach and Refuse Collection Commission for a site visit

02 July 2024

An active member of France Mobilité Biogaz (formerly AFGNV, Association Française du Gaz Naturel Véhiculé) for over 20 years, CRMT was pleased to welcome members of the association for a full tour of its Dardilly-based testing and engineering center, following the latter's annual commission.

Discovery of retrofit, engine testing and pollutant measurement activities

Organized in different groups, participants were able to discover in detail our varied activities. We presented our various engine test cells, specialized in Hydrogen, Natural Gas and other biofuels, as well as the many services we provide, such as endurance and performance testing.

We also highlighted our contribution to the EASVOLEE European research project, explaining our expertise in measuring regulated and non-regulated pollutants.

The visit continued with a presentation of our CNG retrofit work for Transdev Pays de la Loire. We detailed the work carried out on the engines and the electrical work involved, in particular with the harnesses.

We then presented the CleaNGO sweeper, a Europe Service vehicle converted to natural gas thanks to a solution developed by CRMT.

he discussions that followed these workshops were particularly constructive. They provided an opportunity to share a variety of experiences and discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the biogas industry. The players present were able to compare their ideas and visions, enriching the debate and opening up new perspectives for the development of innovative solutions.

CRMT warmly thanks all those present for their commitment and enthusiasm throughout the visit.

France Mobilité Biogaz: a French association promoting the use of natural gas as a fuel

France Mobilité Biogaz brings together French public, economic and industrial players to promote the use of natural gas and biogas as fuels in France. The promotion of these fuels focuses on the use of CNG for vehicles ranging from passenger cars to trucks, as well as LNG, liquefied natural gas.

The association's members include gas industry suppliers, vehicle manufacturers, engine manufacturers, automotive industry suppliers, natural gas distributors and suppliers, urban public transport companies, refuse collection companies and local authorities.

As a long-standing member of the association, CRMT brings its expertise as a specialist in alternative fuel engines, actively contributing to technological advances and ecological solutions for a more sustainable future.

Let’s talk

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