Today, the fisheries sector represents about 4% of the greenhouse gas emissions linked to the world food production. It is in this context that the STREAM (Strategies for TRawler Emissions Analysis and Monitoring) project was born in order to study these emissions and to seek solutions to reduce them!
The Armement Coopératif Artisanal du Nord (ACANOR) has therefore decided to carry out an energy audit of the Frégate III, a trawler of its fleet. The objective is to characterise the use of this type of vessel and to obtain a detailed analysis of the different flows and consumption items as well as the emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases.
CRMT is responsible for monitoring nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, exhaust gas temperature, and various parameters that characterise the use of the two engines of the trawler La Frégate III (speed, power, consumption). The CRMT technology, called CEMS for Continuous Emissions Measurement System, will allow continuous and autonomous monitoring of data for 12 months.
Using the measured data and the knowledge of experts in the field (fishermen), an analysis of the trawler's operational profiles, consumption and emissions will be carried out.
The final objective is to be able to reproduce this type of study on different types of fishing vessels in order to green the fleets with economically viable solutions.
The partners in this project :
- Armement Coopératif Artisanal du Nord (ACANOR)
- France Pêche Durable et Responsable (FPD&R)
- OSE Engineering
- EODev