CRMT brings its expertise in the automotive industry as well as in motorized machines and equipment to offer dedicated engineering services for vehicles operating on alternative fuels (H2, CNG, E100), regardless of vehicle type (heavy-duty vehicles, special machinery, agricultural equipment, etc.).
Our services cover a wide range of needs:
- Design and development of innovative prototypes: From concept to realization, we bring your projects to life.
- Safety validation for vehicles running on gaseous fuels: Ensure your vehicles meet the highest safety standards.
- Hybridization of Gasoline, Diesel, or Natural Gas vehicles: With over 20 years of experience, we developed our first hybrid vehicle, the Volpe. This model, equipped with an electric motor coupled with an internal combustion engine, could run on both gasoline and natural gas.
- Extension of range for compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles: For more information on this solution, check out our 4R+ brochure by clicking here.
We are here to support you at every stage of your project:

In addition to these services, we are also able to guide you throughout the homologation process. This support ensures that the solution we develop complies with all current regulations.
We also have in-depth knowledge of gaseous fuel storage systems. This expertise enables us to design and integrate CNG or H2 tanks, gas lines, and reservoirs up to the engine. We ensure that each component is properly sized and integrated, guaranteeing the safety and efficiency of your natural gas or hydrogen-powered vehicles.
With us, you benefit from over 20 years of expertise in engineering vehicles with alternative fuels.
With us, you benefit from over 20 years of expertise in engineering vehicles with alternative fuels.

Notre expertise ne se limite pas à l'ingénierie des véhicules. Nous possédons également une connaissance approfondie des systèmes de stockage de carburants gazeux. Cette expertise nous permet de concevoir et d’intégrer des réservoirs GNC ou H2, des lignes gaz et des réservoirs jusqu’au moteur. Nous nous assurons que chaque composant est correctement dimensionné et intégré, garantissant ainsi la sécurité et l'efficacité de vos véhicules fonctionnant au gaz naturel ou à l’hydrogène.
Vous bénéficiez ainsi de plus de 20 ans d’expertise dans l’ingénierie de véhicules à carburants alternatifs.
Vous bénéficiez ainsi de plus de 20 ans d’expertise dans l’ingénierie de véhicules à carburants alternatifs.