The event " ENERGIE et HYDROGENE pour l’industrie et la mobilité" organized by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region in Lyon on Friday, November 25, 2022, was the opportunity for CRMT, HORIBA France and Pipo Moteurs to present their collaboration for hydrogen mobility with a hydrogen internal combustion engine.
Within the framework of this collaboration, CRMT's role is to provide the means to develop Pipo Moteurs' hydrogen engine, based on the latest HORIBA measurement technology.
CRMT is committed to the development of the hydrogen internal combustion engine
CRMT competences range from the development of alternative fuel engines and powertrains through their testing, and their integration in hydrogen vehicles and associated machines with their fuel circuits for the realization of studies and hydrogen retrofits for mobility and machines.
In this context, the hydrogen internal combustion engine has serious advantages for industrial applications: it derives from a mature technology, does not require rare metals and will be more cost competitive than the hydrogen fuel cell.
Laurent Wauquiez visits the CRMT, Pipo Moteurs and HORIBA booth
This event attracted more than 850 visitors and the Centre de Recherche en Machines Thermiques welcomed many private and public actors on the CRMT, Pipo Moteurs and HORIBA stand, including Laurent Wauquiez, President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, who expressed his support and his wish to see hydrogen vehicles develop in his region.