Between 2021 and 2022, we carried out the first bioNGV retrofit of an agricultural tractor as part of the RES4LIVE (Renewable Energy Sources for LIVEstock) project via the Horizon 2020 innovation program.   
In 2023, this unique vehicle was tested for 15 days on the farm of the GAEC du Pré-Vert, in Verrières-en-Forez, under real usage conditions (moving equipment at the farm, working in the fields, etc.). The objective of this first test phase was to study the performance of the tractor under similar conditions to those of its future use in Potsdam, Germany, on the LVAT pilot farm of the RES4LIVE project. The tractor will leave for Germany before the summer of 2023 and will be monitored until the end of 2024.  
BioNGV retrofit on the farm for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.  
BioNGV retrofit is both an ecological and economical solution. In the agricultural sector, this innovation makes it possible to valorize the production of biogas on the farm as a fuel (bioNGV), in addition to the creation of heat and electricity through cogeneration. Indeed, in the case of a farm like the GAEC du Pré-Vert, which has its own methanization unit and its own gas station, bio-waste is used to produce heat for the Haut-Forez hotel school and municipal buildings, but also to produce 2,200,000 kW of electricity per year and to run vehicles, whether they are machines used on the farm or vehicles such as school buses.   
Download here the press release of the presentation of the vehicle in operation which took place on Friday March the 3rd in Verrières-en-Forez in partnership with GRDF. 

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