At the time of the energy transition, the mobility sector requires the development of operational and innovative solutions to overcome today’s environmental challenges. The collaboration between CRMT and Gustave Eiffel University will enable R&D projects to be carried out for the implementation of these solutions.
Gustave Eiffel University is made up of 6 educational and research entities with recognised specialisations in the fields of sustainable cities, which have combined their skills and know-how to create a university of international standing on 1 January 2020.The result of a common history initiated more than 20 years ago, this new institution brings together a university (UPEM), a research institute (IFSTTAR), a school of architecture (Éav&t) and three engineering schools (EIVP, ENSG and ESIEE Paris). Multidisciplinary and national driven, Gustave Eiffel University is the first French institution to bring together the university/research organisation/school triptych. Its vocation is to develop national and international collaborations to respond to the major societal challenges generated by the deep changes in urban environments.
CRMT is a private and independent engineering company created in 1977. The company's activities are focused on the development of green transport solutions and the measurement of pollutant emissions under real operating conditions on different types of vehicles. CNG vehicles and powertrains specialist, CRMT markets solutions for natural gas engines.
Several years of successful collaboration
Between 2015 and 2018, the Equilibre Project is one of the first common successes between CRMT and ex IFSTTAR. Thanks to the technology developed by the engineering company and the analysis carried out by the research organisation, this project enabled for the identification of the best fuel for each operating case in thefreight transport sector.
Together, we have participated to the Promovan research project, which focuses on innovative motorisation and propulsion systems applied to river transport to reduce environmental impacts. We look forwarde to continuing this collaboration.
This year (May 2021) we have finalised the CORTEA programme : COnnaissance, Réduction et Traitement des Emissions dans l'Air of the ADEME. This project allowed the development of the PEMS FTIR on-board technology, for the measurement of non-regulated pollutants in real operating conditions on all types of vehicles.
Strategic collaboration
CRMT is pleased to continue its close and historic collaboration with Gustave Eiffel University. We will continue our projects around various themes such as the measurement and analysis of pollutant and particle emissions on various types of vehicles, the definition of engine control strategies for hybrid vehicles or R&D work for the development of decarbonised mobility solutions.
We hope that this partnership will continue to enable the development of projects to meet current and future challenges of the automotive industry.