For more than 20 years, the GFC has been organising a technical conference to give the floor to experts on a current and important technical topic. 
This year, Bernard Guiot, R&D Manager of CRMT's On-board Measurements division, and Yassine Azizi, PhD in catalysis at CRMT, will speak on the topic of CNG technology: particle emissions from an IVECO CNG road tractor. On this occasion, our experts will present the results of the measurement campaigns of pollutants and fine particles on CNG-powered trucks, on November the 17th at 1pm at the French Bridge Federation, Saint Cloud. 
The employed measurement technologies will be presented: 
  • PEMS Horiba OBS-ONE PN : measurement of particles in number from 23nm.
  • Horiba MEXA-2000SPCS : number of particles from 10nm.
  • PEMS Horiba OBS-ONE GA : regulated pollutants NO, NO2, CO, HCT and CO2.
  • Prototype analyzer : measurement of N2O and NH3 emissions.
The question of the use of a particulate filter on these CNG vehicles, and its impact with respect to the Euro VI step-E standard will be treated, as well as the effects of driving and cold starts on NH3 and N2O emissions, among other topics. You can discover all the content of the technical presentation by attending online or in person. To register, click here. 
The GFC Executive Committee comprises representatives of the three colleges. It supervises four technical committees: engine lubricants, transmission lubricants, engine fuel, and other transportation fluids. Working groups operate in each of these committees, on the basis of cooperative work.
The GFC deals with publications, establishes lists of current test methods and updates, and ensures their distribution. It provides a regular update of the website, organises workshops, imparts information to the various industries through the research activities of its working groups and offers an access to any other useful information.
GFC test methods are valuable international references and become an essential tool for the development of our industries. These methods are the basis of most specifications and classifications defining product performance levels. They can, as is often the case, be used by standard bodies such as AFNOR or CEN.

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